Award Prize

Recipients of the Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award will be accorded recognition for one of the following three levels of achievement, based on their environmental performance and commitment, adjudged at the end of the 2nd stage assessment:

Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award 2024/2025


in Environmental Performance

Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award 2024/2025


in Environmental Performance

Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award 2024/2025


in Environmental Performance

Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award 2024/2025

The SME Special Award

Honoring the top-performing SME participant

Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award 2024/2025

State Awards

Recognizing the best participant from each state

Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award 2024/2025

The Special Project Award Large Enterprise

Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award 2024/2025

The Special Project Award Small/Medium Enterprise

Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award 2024/2025


Overall awardee with the highest performance for the cycle

The Prime Minister's Hibiscus Award for 2024/2025 cycle was launched by Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability of Malaysia, YB NIK NAZMI NIK AHMAD on 3rd December 2024 at KLGCC